Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sunshine and Fireflies Mystery Book #5

Sunshine and Fireflies is a story set in late 1800 in Rural Mississippi. The story line continues into 1920”s and the great depression era. It covers the life of Emily a young girl who narrowly escapes death at the hands of her insane mother. Catherine joins the story as the school teacher who befriends Emily as she faces the jeers of her peers. Catherine soon finds herself drawn to Emily’s handsome father, who is still in love with his demented wife. It is a story of hate, love, death and survival in a family. It is a story inside a story that keeps you reading to see what lies ahead for young Emily and her family.

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Catherine took a step back, and looked deep into his steel blue eyes. She knew at this moment he did not love her nor did she love him. She admired him and liked him, but that wasn’t love. Even with that knowledge she knew Jim was a good man. He had proven that to her and every one who knew him. She knew all the things that he and his daughter had withstood before the reality that the marriage was hopeless. Catherine had been a widow too long not to want a man in her life again. But was she ready to chance her heart to a man who still loved his ex-wife, and maybe always would? She had to decide or risk spending the rest of her life alone like Window Jenkins or take a chance on love.

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